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Phishing simulation testing services

Our phishing simulations services produce measurable results. Our low-cost simulations include free SMS phishing, collective phishing (simulating messages that appear to come from your company), Board member phishing (targeting a number of executives). Modeling targets the introduction of popular brands, like Amazon, Apple, eBay, etc. These measurements enable us to detect and track improvements. All phishing simulations and campaigns will become adapted to the threats that your organization faces. Prior to the phishing simulation, needs and goals are established, and also the planned events are coordinated.

Actually, what’s happening at the beginning of a simulated attack by a tester? A testing simulation begins with an introduction, examining the employees of the email security and the impact of phishing. The department can still make a phishing defense email, in which employees have a chance to share their skills, suspicions, and other perceptions of cyber threats before the simulation even begin.

The bulk of phishing modeling studies are typically scheduled for the 12-month phase. However, there are all chances to carry out specific campaigns in a short time, if the situation asks for it.

“The human factor” has always been the weakest link in IT security. Hackers take advantage of this, seducing employees to reveal emails or links, perform downloads or even uncover sensitive data, such as Windows login information.

Phishing and social engineering attacks are considered the most widespread online malware and cause three-digit million losses in the US every year. For example, phishers send fake (phishing) emails or SMS with harmful codes to your employees and distribute ransomware, such as crypto-ransomware or other malware.

In consequence, the best protection from phishing and social engineering attacks is to train employees to recognize these messages as dangerous. They must understand the attack methods and vectors used by cybercriminals and how they should respond in case of an attack.


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